Scientific research is attempting to understand the mechanism of acupuncture. At this point, researchers can measure activity in specific various body systems when an acupuncture needle is inserted: 1) increase in peripheral blood flow, 2) increase in the neural pain threshold, 3) release of various neurochemicals and endorphins, 4) an increase in T cells and other immune constituents, 5) increased activity at nerve “gates.” Thermal PET scans also show activity in the regions of the brain responsible for “pain” messages. However, the logic of the meridian network continues to elude scientific observation.
The meridian network is like a superimposed road map with highways, secondary roads, on and off ramps, etc., running throughout the body. One could also think of it in terms of an energetic irrigation system carrying “Qi” (pronounced “chee”, meaning “vital energy”) to nourish all areas of the body. The smooth flow of Qi is essential for good health and healing. Symptoms can occur when the flow of Qi becomes obstructed, like a kink in the garden hose. Restoring the flow of Qi through the meridians using acupuncture helps bring the body back into balance and facilitates the natural healing process.
The positive effects of acupuncture begin right away on your first visit. Still, they tend to be temporary initially, and any initial improvements usually slide back within hours or days. As we progress through a course of acupuncture therapy, the amount of symptom relief and the period of increased wellness following each treatment will become more pronounced until your body holds the changes on its own. It is essential to be consistent with frequent visits at the beginning of care to build momentum and keep the gains we make from a visit to visit.
I ask my patients to commit to their acupuncture treatment and have realistic expectations of this system of medicine. While some patients obtain quick relief from only a few visits, most require 4-6 weeks of 2-3 visits per week to make significant changes, followed by weekly visits for another 4-8 weeks to consolidate gains and prevent relapse. While acute conditions may resolve within just a few visits, chronic conditions that have persisted for many years may take many treatments over a long period to completely resolve.